South Korea Will Issue Blockchain-based Vaccine Passports
South Korea intends to issue vaccine passports for its citizens and the aim is to do this using Blockchain technology.

South Korea Will Issue Vaccine Passports Based On Blockchain Technology
The South Korean Prime Minister has announced the launch of a Blockchain-based vaccine certificate soon, but the idea has ignited controversy worldwide.
South Korea's Prime Minister announced recently that Blockchain-powered vaccine passports would be available via a mobile app shortly.
South Korea is following in the footsteps of several other countries in implementing vaccine certificates that allow for cross-border travel while reducing infection risk.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun indicated that there might be significant domestic benefits as well. During a regular pandemic response meeting, he said that implementing a vaccine passport or so-called Green Pass would only allow those who have been vaccinated to fully experience their normal lives again.
The software was created by the government using Blockchain technology to protect against the risk of identity fraud. Chung also pointed out that Some countries' systems do not store personal details while allowing vaccination status verification.
South Korea has vaccinated 77,000 people against COVID-19 so far, but the country sees almost 500 regular cases daily. Soon, the government expects to have vaccinated 12 million citizens.
Brazil is monitoring vaccines with a Blockchain-based system, and IBM assisted New York in creating the Excelsior Pass, which uses Blockchain technology for information security. The New York state government has said about the pass that businesses and venues will be able to scan and verify your pass to ensure that you have completed any COVID vaccination or testing requirements.
The International Air Transport Association is working on a cross-border travel app called Travel Pass, which may turn into the norm for cross-border travels. China is using this system, and the European Union intends to do as such shortly.
Vaccine passports are still divisive, especially in the United States and among crypto enthusiasts. Kristi Noem, the Republican Governor of South Dakota, called the concept one of the most un-American proposals in the history of their nation, while Ron DeSantis, the Republican Governor of Florida, is attempting to prohibit the state from requiring COVID passes.
Crypto may also help circumvent attempts to enforce non-Blockchain-based vaccination certificates. According to the BBC, cybersecurity firm CheckPoint discovered 1,200 advertisements on the darknet for vaccinations and vaccine passports. Its investigators discovered many dealers selling forged papers, including one ostensibly from the United Kingdom, along with a vaccination certificate, for $150 via the hard-to-trace cryptocurrency Bitcoin.