Paper Wallet of Counos Added 6 New Coins
with the latest update of the Counos Paper Wallet, you can store more type of coins like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dodgecoin, and Dash...

Counos Paper Wallet Adds New Coins
Counos Paper Wallet has added new coins to its list of supported coins. Now you can generate a paper wallet for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dodgecoin, and Dash.
The paper wallet offered by the Swiss-based Blockchain company, Counos Platform, allows users to generate wallets in order to store cryptocurrencies in the safest way imaginable.
You can go to Counos Paper Wallet to create a paper wallet for yourself. In the process a public key and a private key are generated for you. Then you can print out your paper wallet. The coins are sent to the public key or the crypto address.
Now you have a hard copy or paper wallet with your cryptocurrencies stored safely and securely. You can store the paper wallet away in a safe or deposit box. This is one of the safest forms of storing cryptocurrencies, since the storage type of known as cold storage or offline, therefore, there is no online access to your wallet.
When you want to use your coins, you can use the private key to import your paper wallet into another wallet, such as the Counos Mobile Wallet. When you import your paper wallet into a mobile or web wallet, you can then make transactions using your cryptocurrencies.
And now, with the latest update of the Counos Paper Wallet, you can store more type of coins. With the addition of the latest cryptocurrencies, the number of supported coins by Counos Paper Wallet has increased to 10:
- Counos X (CCXX)
- Counos Coin (CCA)
- Counos U
- Counos E
- Counos Cash
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Cash
- Litecoin
- Dash
- Dodgecoin
Reference: Counos