200,000 Bitcoin Transactions Were Analyzed by MIT’s AI...

There have been many concerns ever since the advent of Bitcoin that it is being used by criminals for ill-intentioned activities,...

High Electricity Consumption in Generating Bitcoin; Does...

Have you heard about high electricity consumption in the processes of generating Bitcoin? According to new estimations, electricity...

Reducing Energy Waste by Hydro Power Plants Which Assist...

You have surely heard from here and there that the process of Bitcoin transactions verification needs a lot of energy. But now Bitcoin...

Price of Bitcoin Goes Over $10,000 for First Time Since...

For the first time within the last 15 months, the price of Bitcoin went over $10,000!

The Price of Bitcoin Passed $9,000

Today morning the price of Bitcoin passed the threshold of $9,200 which is considered a considerable growth compared to previous days.

A Court Decree in Israel: Cryptocurrencies Are Taxed

Israel is a democratic country with developed political foundations and social and economic structures. This country is considered...

Will the U.S. Forbid Trading with Cryptocurrencies?

If the U.S. remains engaged in it, there will be the ability to offer alternatives and rules in the world of cryptocurrencies which...

95 Percent of the Crimes in the Field of Cryptocurrencies...

It seems that Bitcoin is the thieves and scammers’ favorite cryptocurrency