Blockchain Technology Summit in California in November
The Blockchain technology summit will be held in the University of California on November 7, 2019. This summit will provide a great opportunity for all the people, companies, organizations, that are active in the field of the Blockchain technology.

The Blockchain technology summit will be held in the University of California on November 7, 2019. This summit will provide a great opportunity for all the people, companies, organizations, that are active in the field of the Blockchain technology. During this summit, different people and organizations can share their Blockchain activities and ideas with others.
This summit also presents all the most innovative startups that are developing the products related to the Blockchain technology.
A special section of this Blockchain summit will be the technology corner, which is used to share the latest news and updates related to the Blockchain technology.
Among the technical advisory board members are:
1. Farhad Mafie
Chairman of Blockchain Technology Summit, and CEO of Savant Company Inc. which works in the field of home control and automation located in MA, the U.S. and also CEO of Handycash Inc.
2. Dr. Bhaskar Krishnamachari
Professor of electrical engineering & computer science (Jt. Appt.) director, center for cyber-physical systems and the internet of things, USC Viterbi school of engineering.
3. Pim Tuyls
Founder and CEO of Intrinsic ID, A digital authentication company using SRAM PUF technology
4. Raghu Bala
CEO of NetObjex which is an intelligent Blockchain for digital assets and data marketplace located in the U.S.
5. Professor Nader Bagherzadeh
Joint appointment, electrical Engineering and computer Science, and Donald Bren school of information and computer science, UC Irvine.
6. Professor Michael A. Fahy
Professor of Mathematics and computer science, associate dean & CTO of Schmid College of science & technology, Chapman University.
7. Dr. Rino Micheloni
Vice-President and Fellow of Microsemi Corporation which is a California-based provider of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets, in California, the U.S.
8. Rahul Mehrotra
Blockchain Technology Summit, and Vice president of marketing and operations
9. Marilee Mohajer
Again from Savant Company Inc., and Affiliate Business Strategy & Development.
10. Ben Taylor
CEO of LedgerDomain which was founded three years ago to leverage new Blockchain technologies to bring the sophisticated transactional algorithms and platforms used on Wall Street to enterprises the world over.
11. Jauher Zaidi
Chairman and chief innovation officer of Palmchip Corporation which offers solutions and services in variety of fields and platforms and is active in the U.S.
12. Samira Javadzadeh
Blockchain Technology Summit and vice president of business development.
13. Puya Chamer
CEO of Counos Platform located in Switzerland which is active in offering new coins Counos platform.
14. Stephan Wullschleger
who is CTO of Handycash Inc. too.
15. Markus Knecht
From University of Zurich & University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
16. Dena Mafie
Again from Savant Company Inc., affiliate, medical engineering- image and data-processing, Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Germany
If you want to be part of this summit, please share your Blockchain-based technology and product via this email address or call (+1)-949-356-2399.
To get more information about this event check this link: