Bitbase, a Spain-based cryptocurrency ATM and store company, is preparing to launch operations in Venezuela. Robert Kiyosaki says all markets are crashing, specifically real estate, stocks, and Bitcoin...
Bitbase, a Spain-based cryptocurrency ATM and store company, is preparing to launch operations in Venezuela. “Bitcoin News”
Formula One also plans to offer crypto exchange services. “U Today”
Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort has warned the public about gambling in low-cap crypto assets. “Coin Telegraph”
Bitcoin network’s hash rate and difficulty are both increasing. “Coin Telegraph”
Robert Kiyosaki says all markets are crashing, specifically real estate, stocks, and Bitcoin. “Bitcoin News”
Satoshi-era wallets return to life, one of them shifted 96 million dollars in Bitcoin. “U Today”
Bank of Russia says, crypto fraudsters open offices to lure more investors in-person. “Bitcoin News”
The Central Bank of Brazil selected Itau, one of the biggest banks in the country, to build a decentralized finance solution that includes a Stablecoin pegged to the real. “Bitcoin News”
Mendoza, an Argentinian province with more than 2 million inhabitants, has enabled the payment of taxes using cryptocurrency. “Coin Desk”