Multi-Level Marketing in the Form of the Binary Plan: a Deep Analysis

Multi-Level Marketing in the Form of the Binary Plan: a Deep Analysis
In the complicated network of multilevel marketing (MLM), one system that stands out is the binary plan. This innovative method brings simplicity to MLM and revolves around the "two" principle, which is fundamentally different from other MLM strategies. This article will shed some light on the binary, detailing its historical rise, operating mechanics, and unique place within MLM. Furthermore, we will discuss the legal aspects of various MLM models.

A look at the past
The binary plan was created to provide a simpler and fairer solution within the MLM world. Unlike traditional MLM strategies, which often involve complex hierarchical systems and multiple levels of compensation, the Binary Plan was meant to streamline the process.
Limiting the direct recruitment of each distributor to two people created a sense of equality in the MLM structure, emphasizing quality of recruitment rather than quantity.

The mechanics of operation
The Binary Plan is based on the principle of matching and focuses specifically on the "legs" that each Distributor can grow. Under the policy, a Distributor is only allowed to sponsor two other Distributors, which constitute the Distributor's "left leg" and "right leg". These "legs" represent the Distributor's downline or network of individuals recruited under their direction.


What sets the binary plan apart is the requirement for a balance between the two “legs”. For a distributor to receive commissions, the two "pillars" must have balanced sales volumes. Unlike other MLM strategies that reward affiliates based on their number of recruits or total sales volume, the Binary plan requires balanced "leg" growth.


As a result, a distributor with an unbalanced "leg" would be unable to maximize their commission earnings, encouraging a sense of teamwork and balanced growth among all members.

The Binary Plan: A unique place in the MLM space
The balanced approach to recruiting and compensating distributors has given Binary Plan a unique position in MLM. It focuses on maintaining a balance, promoting collaboration and mutual growth rather than aggressive recruiting. It forces distributors to ensure both "legs" grow evenly and to focus on nurturing their recruits, resulting in collective growth and success.

Legality in MLM models
When discussing MLM models, it is vital to distinguish between legitimate operations and illegal pyramid schemes. A legitimate MLM operation, including the binary plan, revolves around selling genuine products or services, with distributors making money based on sales to end users.


Rather, pyramid schemes, which are illegal in most countries, are primarily based on recruiting more people into the scheme, with the proceeds generally unrelated to product sales.


Legal MLM Models
Legal MLM models such as Binary Plan, Unilevel Plan or Matrix Plan are mainly aimed at selling legitimate products or services to end users. The distributors of these models derive income from direct sales and also from the sales of the distributors they recruit. This fosters a teamwork environment in which returns and success result from joint sales efforts.

Additionally, legal MLM models offer a transparent compensation plan, reasonable product return policies, and ensure that the product or service being sold has intrinsic value. They also comply with the regulations of the respective countries in which they operate.


Illegal MLM Models: Pyramid Schemes
Conversely, pyramid schemes, often disguised as MLM models, are illegal in most countries. They rely primarily on dues paid by new recruits, often prompting these recruits to invest in expensive inventory packages to become members. The scheme mainly generates profits from these hires rather than actual sales of products or services.

One of the major red flags for pyramid schemes is their emphasis on recruitment over product sales. They often lack a viable product or service offering, or the product/service has little or no real market value. Also, pyramid schemes usually offer a quick return on investment and promise high profits based primarily on attracting new members.

Global implications
Although MLM models are legal in many countries, different countries have different regulations governing their operation. For example, in the United States, MLM companies must comply with regulations enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In India, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs regulates MLM operations. In China, the government has strict regulations that make most MLM activities virtually illegal.


Before joining an MLM model or starting an MLM business, it is vital that you research and understand the specific MLM regulations in your country. Make sure the company has a genuine product or service offering, a clear and transparent compensation plan, and does not emphasize recruiting over product sales.
In short, MLM models can be legit and offer potential business opportunities if properly structured and managed. However, it is vital that you remain vigilant, understand the difference between a legal MLM and an illegal pyramid scheme, and be aware of the MLM regulations in your specific country. Always remember: if an opportunity seems too good to be true, it probably is. It is vital that you do your due diligence before getting involved in an MLM deal. 

Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist 

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