Blockchain-based Video Games Will Enter the Market
There are different Blockchain-based platforms burgeoning and offer different services in this infrastructure. For example, gaming applications in Blockchain and in decentralized networks will join the market and will revolutionize the video game industry.

There are different Blockchain-based platforms burgeoning and offer different services in this infrastructure. For example, gaming applications in Blockchain and in decentralized networks will join the market and will revolutionize the video game industry. Recently, a game named Age of ILC has entered the video game market that works in the infrastructure of Blockchain and is considered a start to the designing and manufacturing decentralized games and applications. In this game, the player should fight with people who want to steal the player’s fortunes. The type and form of the game has been inspired by the 1980 and 1990 games.
How to Access the Age of ILC Game?
In mid-July the access to this game was provided in GooglePlay. In this game, it is possible to gain cryptocurrencies and spend them. This game has different levels and in each level the player is faced with new characters and enemies. A new version of the game is set to be released each two months. In fact, in each updating of the game, the stories, graphic, and the process of the game will become more exciting and entertaining, and will surely encourage the player to continue the game for the coming months. This game is comprised of different exciting levels and through them the player goes on to have some adventures that are sweet and interesting.
Are Blockchain Games a New Beginning?
The designers and creators of the mentioned game intend to help further develop the Blockchain network and attract new audience for it and thus increase the amount of enthusiasm toward this new infrastructure through attracting new players to play this game. The games that are ongoing in decentralized infrastructures give users an experience that they were never able to face prior to that. The decentralized nature of the Blockchain enables users to employ their video games in this atmosphere.
Blockchain-based games have a high level of security and based on the use they get from the applications and features of Blockchain, users will not be able to change the information in them and make changes.
Is the Industry of Video Games Evolving?
The huge network of Blockchain, with the unique features that it has like the immutability of data or the suitable level of security, will create great capabilities for different industries. For example, the gaming industry in the world is a very expensive and booming industry. With the existence of a decentralized network in which there is no trace of common censoring or constraining, the possibility for communication, trading information, and making transactions on global scales will be more than before. In the world of video games, there is a need for a fast mechanism and a dynamic network that organize different operations quickly. Games and applications that are released to the market based on the Blockchain, bring this huge and extensive industry into a new level. A level that is evolving and containing positive changes that will surely face challenges as well, but their advantages will be much more than their disadvantages and difficulties.