
Blockchain, the Beginning of the Financial and Security...

Since the launch of the new banking system in the 19th century, the centralized financial system and the lack of possibility of carefully...

What Is the Blockchain Ecosystem?

Blockchain is a decentralized system that is not controlled by a third part. It has different types and each is designed for a specific...

Public, Private, and Federated Blockchains

Bitcoin introduced the Blockchain technology to the world and today with the explosive fame of cryptocurrencies; the Blockchain technology...

Consensus Protocols in Distributed Systems

With introducing different types of cryptocurrencies and the public’s welcoming them in recent years, distributed ledger technology...

Comparing Conventional Databases and Blockchain

A database is a group of organized data that are stored and can be accessed anytime. Databases usually have a client/server structure....

Will Facebook Be Flexible to Publishing Cryptocurrency...

Facebook is considered a tech giant in the world. This company with around 2.38 billion active users every month, has a great capacity...

Increase in Fraud with Cryptocurrency Payment in Australia

According to Australian Competition and consumer commission (ACCC), and other state authorities, 674 fraud cases by paying cryptocurrencies...

A Theft from the Crypto World, A Ten-year Conviction

A twenty-one-year-old man from Boston who has robbed millions of digital currencies from an entrepreneurship enterprise located in...

What is the Next Bitcoin in the World of Cryptocurrencies?

From the start of Blockchain and digital currencies’ activity up to the present time, Bitcoin has had the main role. These days the...

How Far Has the Story of Cryptocurrencies Gone in France?

Cryptocurrencies have gone through a path full of ups and downs. They have been treated in a different way in different parts of the...

Find out More about Counos Silver

Counos Silver is one of the most innovative cryptocurrencies that Counos platform offers the market. This cryptocurrency has various...

Do You Know Counos Coin?

These days, there is not just one way to exchange money and doing trades using common currencies. Currently, cryptocurrencies have...

Cryptographies Caught in Phishing Scams

No one likes to be the victim of a scam. Much like any new industry, the crypto world is full of various suspicious trades that try...

After Recent Price Increase, “Bitcoin” Google Search Tripled

According to Google Trends data, the google search for “Bitcoin” has nearly tripled. This sudden increase came after Bitcoin’s price...

Blockchain Series Part II: Crypto Winter Season – How Long...

In the summer months of 2018, while it feels seasonally warm physically for most of us, for many cryptos investors, the long winter...

Streaming the Animated Series “Bitcoin and Friends” on...

Cryptocurrencies, starring Bitcoin, create a new story in the world each day. Creating and producing a series called “Bitcoin and...